WHO doesn’t love to use Amazon to order the big (& little) things you need around the house?(like chicken coop essentials?) I mean, It is almost a no-brainer when you can find it cheaper online AND they deliver it to your front door. Am I right and PRIME is a current OBSESSION of mine. I love going to visit my local feed store. But, I find myself ordering more and more for my Chicken Coop from Amazon. It has ALL my favorite things – and often MUCH cheaper . . . Here I am sharing with you my backyard coop essentials.
TOP 15 Backyard Coop Essentials – Here is the COUNTDOWN . . .
15. Little Trees Car Air Freshener – vanillaroma
This product is one of those little secrets you don’t want to live without. I hang these air fresheners from the ceiling in my coop and replace them every 30 days. It keeps the smell at bay and helps your neighbors forget that you even HAVE a backyard coop. (talk about essentials!)
14. Happy Trees Premium Hemp Animal Bedding – 6.6lbs
Hemp is one of my favorite things to put on the floor of the coop. Hemp helps to prevent bad smells in the coop by neutralizing ammonia odors and keeps flies at bay. It is dust-free – which is a great advantage as dust is one of the biggest causes of respiratory problems in your birds. But, my FAVORITE thing is that it is very absorbent and it helps break down chicken poop. DO NOT underestimate how AMAZING this is for your coop! I keep some in my shed at ALL times.
My coop is on top of dirt/rock as I am in Arizona. So, I throw Hemp around in my coop at least once a week – and it makes ALL the difference.
13. Sweet Pdz Coop Refresher 10lb bag – –
I should invest in this stuff. I use it in my run, my nesting boxes and under the roost in my coop. This stuff is the FIRST line of defense in re: odor. I usually buy multiple bags at a time and I NEVER let my supply run out. Grab some now because I promise you will fall in love with it.
12. Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with THE MOTHER
Keep the water in your waterer cleaner – and keep the sludge/growth at bay by adding. I still clean my waterer each time I refill it – but I am always impressed with the small amount. I add a capful or two to each 5 gallon fill.
11. Chicken Egg Collecting Apron – Gathering Apron
Collecting eggs everyday is one my favorite activities and it is ALWAYS more fun when you get to wear something CUTE!!! This apron is adorable and will hold 12 eggs safely. Even my boys will grab this when they head out to collect eggs.
10 More Chicken Coop Essentials to go . . .
10. Select Flaked Oyster Shell
Oyster Shell is a definite backyard coop essential to have on hand. It is a great source of calcium that should always be offered – chickens will eat it if they need more calcium. I keep mine in a small poultry feeder like that of #9. My chickens HATE the crushed but LOVE the flaked.
9. Little Giant Animal Mineral Feeder 3.5qt
This feeder is my favorite way to offer oyster shell to my girls. I try to keep it full at all times – chickens are smart – they know when they need more calcium – and they’ll eat it. You could certainly use it to offer grit, treats or whatever else you like . . . but it works GREAT for oyster shell.
8. Vetericyn plus – for pecking wounds, cuts, sores, etc.
Sad that this is amoung the backyard coop essentials – but it is. Every chicken tender should have this on hand! When chickens see/smell blood – they attack. It’s nature. This product helps wounds, cuts, sores, etc. so they can actually heal and other chickens won’t attack. Whether it’s re: pecking order, a predator attack – or determining who is the dominant roo – at some point you are going to need this and you’ll be grateful you have it on hand.
7. Excelsior Nesting Pads OR Roosty’s chicken nesting pads – easy, washable
For Nesting Pads – I have 2 Favorites – it wouldn’t be fair if I didn’t share both. I live in Arizona. In the winter I use the washable Roosty’s chicken nesting pads and in the summer I utilize the Precision Pet by PetMate Excelsior Nesting Pads.
Bonuses to washable Nesting Pads : WASHABLE, soft for chickens, easy to clean; no need to buy anymore
Bonuses to Excelsior Nesting Pads : Chickens like to “Take Them Apart” and make their own Nests. They love to HIDE their Eggs in them. Excelsior Nesting Pads are soft. Feathers & Poo can be “shaken” off them.
6. Magjo Chicken Nest Box Herbs
I LOVE the way these smell – and my chickens LOVE to eat them. With just a handful – I can refresh the nesting boxes each week. (definitely a chicken coop essentials – believe me!)The herbs not only smell good – but are GOOD for the chickens to eat.
Are you ready for the Top 5 Backyard Coop Essentials?
5. Rent A Coop 5 gallon Chicken Waterer with 4 Nipples
I have tried EVERY waterer out there!! This is BY FAR my favorite. I have 10 girls and I refill this about every 5 days for them. The Nipples are ESSENTIAL!! We started with the cups and I would never go back – they are hard to clean and spill everywhere. If you want your girls to learn to use the nipples – take all other water sources OUT of the coop and you’ll be amazed at how quickly they learn to use them.
4. Amazon Basics Dog & Puppy Pads, Leak Proof, 5 layer pee pads
I use Puppy Pads in my coop in 2 ways and I SWEAR by them. 1. I have an omlet coop – and I use puppy pads under the roosting bars in the coop – it makes for quick and easy cleaning/emptying out of the poop drawer. 2. I use them in the bottom of a dog crate when one of my girls is in chicken jail. Again, makes for EASY cleaning because it’s just a simple change out.
I LOVE First Saturday Lime – and use it once a month on you’ve got it – the First Saturday!!!!! We put it all along the outside and inside of the coop as well as put it along the fence in the backyard to help keep out insects/predators. It also helps with smell – it’s a purchase you will NOT regret!!
2. Treats:
My girls are spoiled. I give them treats everyday. I vary the treats I give them. Often, I make them myself – but that’s an article for another day. These are a few of their favorites I can just buy and distribute.
A. Harvest Delight Manna Pro Chicken Treats
I like to mix this with sprouts and any other “leftovers” I have for the chickens. It smells delightful and I like to think it flavors what they are eating!!
B. Garden Delight Manna Pro Chicken Treats
This is also something I like to mix in with sprouts and extras. Gives them variety.
C. Grubblies – Healthier than Mealworms for chickens
These are one of my chicken’s favorites.
#1 – Are you ready? Here it is!!
1. Grandpa’s Feeders – Automatic Chicken Feeder
I have tried all the Chicken Feeder’s out there – and THIS is the creme de la creme. It is the ONLY one you’ll ever want. Two sizes are available. Do yourself a favor and grab the one that holds 40lbs – an entire bag of feed. It will feed 12 chickens for 10 days. I only have to refill it every 7-10 days; No rodents/birds can get in to eat any food; comes with a system to teach your birds how to use it – which is EASY and very efficient. It is worth EVERY penny and will save you SO much money in the long run. Take the plunge!! You won’t regret it.
So, where do YOU get your Backyard Coop Essentials? Which of these do you/not deem important for YOUR backyard coop?

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